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Hilchos Mesiroh

5 April, 2011


Some dangerous nonsense has been posted in comments, and it appears that at least one commenter imagines that mesiroh is some sort of peccadillo that can be winked at. This is not the case; mesiroh is a serious aveiro, one of the most serious a Jew can possibly commit. A mosser is worse than a […]

Elect this

25 March, 2011


Some members of the Yeshivah Shul may have received the letter announcing elections. If not, here it is. This is not a Purim joke, although in reading it you might think so. Members have been agitating for some sort of involvement in the shul for over twenty years, and this is what they get? It’s […]

Who is the Rabbi of Yeshivah Shul?

12 January, 2011


// Some time before his passing, as his health was in decline, Rabbi Groner OBM invited his son-in-law, Rabbi Tzvi Telsner, to come to Melbourne and take a position in the Yeshivah shul. The matter of succession had been discussed at various levels, and Rabbi Groner wanted to be succeeded by someone from his own […]

henry herzog head shliach?

29 December, 2010


According to the compromise announced by Merkos last year, there are now officially three head shluchim in Melbourne. But here is what we have uncovered so far: Despite multiple “incidents”, Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner has not yet taken any firm action regarding the behaviour of Chaim Herzog (who is a shliach officially “under” Chaim Tzvi) . […]